
What happened to the BAP?

The Battery Assisted Passive (or BAP) tag really got UHF Gen 2 technology going with sports timing since the tags could be placed very close to the runners skin without any degradation in read performance. The BAP derives it’s power from a patented liquid battery that kept the integrated circuit in a wake state so […]

4th USA Timing Conference Announcement – 2 to 4 Feb 2014

We are pleased to announce that next year’s biennial RFID Race Timing Systems Conference will be held in San Antonio (Texas) at the Emily Morgan Hotel between Sunday Feb 2 and Tuesday Feb 4, 2014. This is an opportunity for you to find out about the latest technology developments in sports timing as well as […]

HBF Run for a Reason – Sunday May 26

The 2013 HBF Run for a Reason is particularly special to RFID Race Timing Systems given it is on our doorstep here in beautiful Perth. This year we were contracted to time and report the results of over 29,500 entered runners and walkers using a 12m start line and 16m finish line in a novel […]

Copenhagen Marathon – Sunday May 19

11,000 hardy souls competed in the Nykredit Copenhagen Marathon. Despite the wet conditions good times were posted with the event eventually won by Rachid Kirsi of Morocco (2:17:22) and Anne-Mette Aagaard of Denmark (2:44:12). The event was timed by Ultimate Timing (DK) using 23 Ultra8 units, all feeding data over the cellphone network to a […]

Two Oceans Marathon

A total of 28,000 runners took to the streets over the easter weekend at the 44th Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon in Cape Town South Africa. A record 11,000 runners took part in the bruising 56km premier event which was won by a rank outsider David Gatebe in blustery conditions. The marathon is considered the […]

Two Big Weekends in South Africa

The Cape Town Cycle Trust runs the largest timed cycle event in the world (Cape Argus Cycle Tour) at over 30,000 riders this year on March 10 . The 109km ride takes in some of incredible scenic coastline and is a annual favourite of any South African who owns a bike. The Cycle Trust owns […]

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