The Cape Town Cycle Trust runs the largest timed cycle event in the world (Cape Argus Cycle Tour) at over 30,000 riders this year on March 10 . The 109km ride takes in some of incredible scenic coastline and is a annual favourite of any South African who owns a bike. The Cycle Trust owns and operates their own timing system consisting of 14 RFID Race Timing HDD Systems and low frequency transponders.
A week later (17th March) another major timing company in South Africa (Finish Time) used Ultra to time the Spar Womens Race in Cape Town. This event is part of a 6 race series that tours South Africa and this year Cape Town had 18,000 women run either the 10 or 5km event. This entire race course was a sea of purple. Craig Eldridge from Finish Time reported excellent read rates with the disposable tags.

A purple theme for the Spar Womens Race in 2013